Wenhao Li (李文浩)
I am currently working toward a Ph.D. in Computer Science at Shandong University, China. My research interests focus on Security and Privacy for IoT Systems, Wireless Sensing, and Side-channels Analysis.
I am very fortunate to be advised by Professor Pengfei Hu from School of Computer Science, Shandong University. My master’s advisor is Professor Riccardo Spolaor from School of Computer Science, Shandong University.
Recent News
Our paper “Acoustic Eavesdropping from Sound-Induced Vibrations with Multi-Antenna mmWave Radar” got accepted by IEEE TMC.
Our paper “EMIRIS: Eavesdropping on Iris Information via Electromagnetic Side Channel” got accepted by NDSS 2025.
Our paper “mmEcho: A mmWave-based Acoustic Eavesdropping Method” got accepted by IEEE S&P 2023.
Our paper “Towards Unconstrained Vocabulary Eavesdropping With mmWave Radar Using GAN” got accepted by IEEE TMC.
Academic Service
Serve As Artifact Evaluation Committee Member:
ACM CCS 2024, USENIX Security 2025
Serve As Reviewer:
Wenhao Li, Riccardo Spolaor, Chuanwen Luo, Yuchao Sun, Huashan Chen, Guoming Zhang, Yanni Yang, Xiuzhen Cheng, and Pengfei Hu. “Acoustic Eavesdropping from Sound-Induced Vibrations with Multi-Antenna mmWave Radar.” IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. 2025. [Paper]
Wenhao Li, Jiahao Wang, Guoming Zhang, Yanni Yang, Riccardo Spolaor, Xiuzhen Cheng, and Pengfei Hu. “EMIRIS: Eavesdropping on Iris Information via Electromagnetic Side Channel.” Network and Distributed System Security (NDSS) Symposium 2025. [Paper]
Pengfei Hu, Wenhao Li, Riccardo Spolaor, and Xiuzhen Cheng. “mmEcho: A mmWave-based Acoustic Eavesdropping Method.” In 2023 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P), pp. 1840-1856. IEEE, 2023. [Paper]
Pengfei Hu, Wenhao Li, Yifan Ma, Panneer Selvam Santhalingam, Parth Pathak, Hong Li, Huanle Zhang, Guoming Zhang, Xiuzhen Cheng, and Prasant Mohapatra. “Towards Unconstrained Vocabulary Eavesdropping With mmWave Radar Using GAN.” IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 23, no. 1 (2022): 941-954. [Paper]
Yiwei Chen, Wenhao Li, XiuZhen Cheng, and Pengfei Hu. “A survey of acoustic eavesdropping attacks: Principle, methods, and progress.” High-Confidence Computing (2024): 100241. [Paper]
Ph.D. student Major in Computer Science and Technology, 2022.09 - Present
Shandong University
M.E. student Major in Computer Science and Technology, 2020.09-2022.06
Shandong University
B.E. Major in Computer Science and Technology, 2016.09-2020.06
Beijing Information Science and Technology University